As Women Surge in Leadership and Philanthropy, Are They Among Your Top Fundraising Priorities?

With the election drawn to a close, it is undeniable that women were pivotal in this critical moment in our democracy. We now have the first woman, and a woman of color, for the second highest position in our country. The Ms. Foundation put together a list of historic victories for women on the local, state and national level. […]
From Commitment to Action: Applying an Inclusive Lens to Advancement

As fundraisers, we are well practiced in repeating specific actions to raise money successfully each year. These practices work well – we raise billions. As a result, we have reinforcement of our behaviors and keep turning to them. However, what happens when our world changes and our practices no longer fit? How do we cultivate […]
Women’s Philanthropy: A Sector-Wide Journey to Inclusion

The movement to grow women’s philanthropy is not meant to focus only on one profile of women who give. Women’s philanthropy includes ALL those who identify as women. It is intended to be inclusive. Yet current language and actions by those who identify as white cisgender women leaders in this movement – including myself – […]
Don’t Unconsciously Overlook Women

As the pandemic continues and many inequities are revealed, I want to shine a light on the importance of staying focused on intentionally and consistently connecting to women in our fundraising. As during other crises, women donors want to help now and are ready to commit to meaningful action. Are you holding back on having […]
Purpose and Power Will Emerge from a Pause

We are one month in facing the realities of this global pandemic across our country and the swift changes it has wrought on all of our lives. Even as we’ve been beset with worries and concerns, and scrambled with social distancing, limited supplies, virtual teams, home schooling and elder care, we’ve begun to see a […]
How To Change The Unconscious Stories You Are Telling About Women in Philanthropy

In my last post, we unpacked the story that “women are harder” to fundraise from. Working with women donors can feel hard because our fundraising best practices don’t always work. Why? Because these approaches were created in the male-centric fundraising landscape of the 1950s and 1960s. Women aren’t harder, just different in how they prefer […]
Is It Harder to Fundraise from Women?

I recently asked a leader of advancement at a state college if she used different approaches in working with women versus men donors on her campus. This was not meant to be a trick question. I was very curious, as she had been a leader in sorority fundraising and had demonstrated an understanding of how […]
It’s Time to Question Fundraising “Best Practices”

When you started your nonprofit career, you probably heard things like: “If you want a major gift, make sure you mention who else is giving what.” “Competition and recognition work; identify who wants to lead the campaign and give the top gift.” “Access to leadership will incentivize donors.” “This is how you ask for an […]
We Won’t Raise More Money Unless We Stop Acting Like All Donors Are White Men

Worrisome trends are emerging in U.S. philanthropy. Although overall charitable giving is growing, the share of Americans who give is declining, and the incidence of giving is down in most every age group. This giving gap opened because of complex reasons, but one thing is clear: We are seeing fewer Americans give because we are applying the […]
Connect with Empathy-Driven Women Donors by Telling Your Story

One report from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute found that “When women give, they tend to express a desire to help others, whereas men tend to focus on the benefits that come from being charitable.” Women’s giving is driven by empathy, the ability to understand and share another person’s feelings. When we see others in need, […]