The Fifth Principle grows donations and engagement in surprising ways
In early 2006, right after an unprecedented response to Hurricane Katrina, a change in leadership, and deep budget concerns, the chair of the American Red Cross Board, Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, proposed a bold idea to begin an annual women’s giving program with an ask of $10,000 per year. This proposal was met with incredulity – how […]
The Power of
Leadership Champions
The President of a large Midwest state university recently called his Vice President of Advancement. “Tell me more about our focus on women’s philanthropy. It sure has our Board chair excited.” It turns out that the Board chair had cornered the President at a meeting and was sharing his enthusiasm about the potential of engaging […]
The Principles of Successful Women’s Philanthropy
The New York Times has called it: Women are changing the philanthropy game. They have always been givers, but now women’s influence as philanthropists is being given its rightful place in the national discourse. Thanks to extensive research from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute, and the growing volume of examples of impactful women’s philanthropy, fundraisers no […]
Don’t Unconsciously Overlook Women
As the pandemic continues and many inequities are revealed, I want to shine a light on the importance of staying focused on intentionally and consistently connecting to women in our fundraising. As during other crises, women donors want to help now and are ready to commit to meaningful action. Are you holding back on having […]
A Fun Way To Raise Awareness of Women’s Preferences in Your Organization
As awareness about women’s philanthropic power grows, many fundraising professionals know that it’s time to pay attention to women — or miss out on critical support. But one team member can’t do it alone. Success relies on engagement by all parts of the organization, including leadership. How can you build awareness within your team, leadership, […]
What Do Women See When They Look At Your Organization?
Imagine the following scenario: A woman just heard about your organization for the first time. Perhaps a friend mentioned your work to her, or a piece from your recent marketing campaign made an impression. Your mission intrigues her. She wants to know more and – maybe – get involved. Like most of us these days, […]